Life... A true reality

Inside the mind and life of Laura

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I am still alive!

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. I went on vacation to see my half sister, Kristen, Feb. 26-March4. I have never met my sister face-to-face but have talked to her on the phone. Anyways, I'll go into detail about my trip later, but just wanted to post something. It's always hectic the week before vacation and for 2 weeks after because you're trying to see all of these patient's that you're going to miss that week. Work is also picking up so I'm seeing anywhere from 2 to 4 new patient's a day. This makes for a really busy schedule... but busy is good for business! I'll post some pics of my trip later. Here's one of Chris and my engagement pictures.