Life... A true reality

Inside the mind and life of Laura

Monday, March 28, 2005

The Quick and Dirty

Well, life has been busy. I'm used to having class 5 days a week from 8-5 and this semester I have class from 10-3 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, a 5:30-7 class Wednesday night and usually no class on Friday. This is a nice change, but in exchange for less class we have more group projects. During all of this I am also having to meet with my partner to finish our research project to be presented in front of my professors and other Physical Therapists. I think they overload you in school so that you appreciate having that 8-5 job with little to take home. Boy, I'll be glad when I start working!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Good News!

My mom is having her 8th out of 30 radiation treatments for the weird skin cancer on her nose and you can already see it shrinking!! I'm just really excited about this for her. Her dr. said that as the radiation kills the cancer her body will digest it like fats and sugars. It's really neat to already see progress!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Power to Bloggers!

I was waiting on my mom to finish her radiation treatment at Baylor Hospital yesterday and saw a Fourtune magazine with a title about Bloggers. The name of the article was "10 trends techs should watch out for". I only got to read the first trend which had to do with Bloggers. It stated that bloggers were affecting the advertising industry because people could write to the public about certain products, questions can be asked and answered on blogs, and topics can be looked up. On MSN Spaces one of the employess has a blog and is confronted by other bloggers regarding MSN rules, policies, etc. The end of the article basically said that they had created a monster that they are now at the whim of. So, blogging is a power of its own... Use it wisely.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Well, it's been a couple weeks since I've posted... yes, I'm still here. I started back to class last week and it's been busy lining up times to go see surgeries and extra visits. This week I've been driving my mom the 2 hours between her house and Dallas in order for her to get a 15 min. radiation treatment. It does seem silly, but hopefully this will keep her from having surgery and then needing a prosthetic nose. She has squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer) that took a fever blister and made it grow on the bottom of her nose and her upper lip. It looks like a psyco wart kind of. We're praying that this works. She has 6 weeks of radaition treatment (5 weeks left after tomorrow) everyday. Please keep her in your prayers.

My dad is doing alright. I've spent some time with him this week and he misses his girlfriend, Kathleen, but he seems to be dealing with it better than he would have a few years ago. He takes to drinking sometimes, but not as often as in the past.

Everything else is going good! I'm trying to be there for my parents and give them any needed support. I can't wait till some of the excitement that they have going on dies down. Please keep them both in your prayers. I'm out-- Laura

Monday, March 07, 2005

Murphy's Law

It has been one of those days... Murphy's Law says "anything that can happen, will happen." Bad luck or a black cloud followed me for a few hours today. I'm not going to go into many details at this point. Not only has today been one of those days for me, but my mother started radiation therapy today. She has a cancerous wart on her nose that is only in the first layer of skin (good news) that she is going to be getting radiation therapy for everyday for the next 6 weeks. She's also going to be getting a dose of chemo on Mondays. This problem has persisted since last summer but my mom doesn't have insurance and therefore hasn't been able to afford it. By the grace of God my father had been paying for her membership on the Ladies Axillary, (has to do with the VFW) even though they have been divorced for 3 years, and that membership includes cancer insurance.... kinda crazy. God does work in mysterious ways. Despite my day and the begining of my mother's treatments I can look around me and see how God has blessed. My father has been there lately to lend a helping hand when years ago he was too caught up in drinking. My boyfriend's parents have been so awesome to me, helping me and my boyfriend with encouragement and support. Then, there's my beloved boyfriend... thank God for him! God has blessed me with a man that is there for me when my days are good and when they are bad and when his days are good and bad. After being single for so long I was beginning to be happy in my singleness and finding my place in the world. I truly believe that God has a perfect plan, perfect timing, and that one perfect person that fits you. I'm not saying that my boyfriend is perfect... even he would deny that... but he is perfect for me. I thank God that I had to wait as long as I did (it would've been worth waiting 5 more years if I needed to) in order to have someone so wonderful to enjoy my life with.

My godson Keaton... isn't he cute!

Yes, we're red necks.

My parents with Aaron on Parent's Night for basketball.

"Here's looking at you kid."

My two favorite boys in the world... Quentin kissing Nicadian. My sister Julie and her husband Geno.

It's chow time!!

My new nephew Nicadian when he was only a few days old (1/10/05).

Aaron in the middle of the action!

Aaron warming up before his basketball game.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Finally I'm Done!

Many of you may be procrastinators too. I'm one of those kind that slowly works on a project but then is still up late the night before really working on it. I've had this project due since the begining of my internship-- 7 1/2 weeks ago-- and it's due tomorrow. I'm to present it during lunch. Guess when I'm finishing it... U got it... tonight. I've worked diligently-- well almost-- since I got home from work only taking a break to eat-- took a short nap when I got home-- and watch Gilmore Girls. But alas, I'm done!