Life... A true reality

Inside the mind and life of Laura

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Aaron in Brazil

Well, my father and I watched my brother get on a plane to Brazil on Tuesday at 11:00 am. Aaron is a mormon and is going on his mission for two years to Brazil. We will only be able to talk to him twice a year, on Mother's Day and on Christmas Day. Aaron is only allowed to call my mother but if his mission president is nice enough he may let us all talk to him as long as we're there when he calls.

Aaron wrote me a letter to read once I got home Tuesday afternoon. In his letter he told me his testimony about when he prayed about the book of mormon and whether or not it was true. I'm sure this experience was very real for him. He then asked me to put my faith to the test and to ask God to reveal to me the truth about the book of mormon. Here I was hoping for a letter that would tell me that he was going to miss me and he loved me, etc.

Aaron and I do not usually discuss the root of our beliefs because he gets very defensive and it's not worth it to me to have our relationship strained at this point. Aaron believes in God and believes that Jesus is God's Son and that He died for our sins but after that his beliefs differ to small or great degrees. Where is the line drawn? To what degree can you falter in your beliefs but still go to heaven? Aaron thinks everyone is going to heaven except purposefully bad people like Hitler and Sadaam. Then what's the point? Why are we Christians here? I've quoted him verses and he'll say oh, it's not talking about this or that. My hands are tied.

I've committed to Aaron and God to pray for him every morning when I get up. I've been faithful to this so far and have found myself praying for him through out the day. I pray that God would protect him and that Aaron would know God's will and would follow it. I pray that God would challenge Aaron on his beliefs. I just can't help hoping that Aaron will come into contact with a Christian, or whatever vessel God chooses to use, and lead doubt and questions in his heart and mind concerning the mormon religion. Part of me is very scared for my brother, but I do know at this point in time God has given me peace in knowing that Aaron is following His will.


At 8:15 AM, Blogger Martin LaBar said...

Thanks for posting this. Will try to pray.


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